Join the Imaginarium Takeover for a weekend of stories, ideas, creativity and hands-on activities as we ask “What Would Nature Do?” to build a greener, fairer and more connected future together.
Nature has regenerated itself over billions of years – and our living ecosystems adapt, repair and build the future every day. Yet the pursuit of endless growth is putting the natural world upon which we all depend under extreme stress. So how can we be more attentive to the lessons nature teaches us to create a more balanced and sustainable life? Our Cambridge ecosystem is an interconnected community where we all – from fungus and families to trees and technicians – can make important contributions, BIG and small.
Come and be inspired as we seed ideas and root practical action alongside local experts. Watch everyday objects be regenerated in the Repair Cafe and cultivate connections with artists, campaigners and innovators as we together reimagine and build a future that’s teeming with life and guided by nature.
Nature inspired creativity and immersive experiences, hands-on activities and spaces to learn and talk.
Sat 10am – 4pm,
Sun 11am – 4pm.
Repair Cafe: Bring us your broken toys, bikes, electricals and all sorts of household items for a free repair.
Book here
(limited drop-in slots available).
Sat 10am – 2pm, Sun 1pm – 4pm.
Pink Bin Dive: Dismantling discarded electronics, exploring and repurposing their components.
Sat 2.30 – 4pm,
Sun 11 – 12.30pm.
The Imaginarium Takeover is part of the Cambridge University’s Cambridge Festival and is hosted and facilitated by Cambridge Carbon Footprint, Cambridge Curiosity and Imagination and artist Hilary Cox Condron.