Napier Repair Cafe

Napier, Aotearoa New Zealand

Hosted by Group avatarNapier Repair Cafe

Party impact






waste prevented


CO2 emission prevented


devices fixed


devices repairable


devices dead

equivalent to...

Volunteers at a Restart Party fixing devices, cropped on hands


Haere Mai.

Come and see us at Napier Repair Cafe at Asher Hall!

Bring along your small broken household items to be repaired by our team of dedicated Repair Volunteers!

Our talented team will be on hand to repair your clothing and soft furnishings, small appliances, computers and laptops with software issues, jewellery, bicycles and scooters, toys, and other small household items.

Learn some repair skills, enjoy a cup of tea or a cup of freshly brewed coffee supplied by our generous local sponsors Switch Coffee Roasters with a slice of cake or a cookie.

Bring your tamariki to hang out in our special kid’s zone and let them explore how things work at our Take Apart Table.

Hang out, have a chat and take some free books from our Sustainable Library.

Free entry! Koha for refreshments and baking and for any successful repair.

Some things to note:

 Please bring a maximum of 3 items for repair. We ask that you bring only 1 electronic item / appliance and a maximum of 2 items that require sewing (NO alterations please ONLY repairs) This is so that everyone has a chance to have their items repaired without long wait times in our most popular repair areas.

 Please bring your items in before 2pm. The cafe closes at 2.30pm so this will give our repairers enough time to repair your items before we close.

 Make sure you bring some gold coins for our koha box so you can enjoy some baking and tea / Switch Coffee Roasters coffee, we don’t have EFTPOS available.

 Small items you can carry on your own only please, and if your item is unable to be repaired, please take it away with you. We cannot recycle your items for you.


Supported by Switch Coffee Roasters, Hawke’s Bay Regional Council, Keep Napier Beautiful, Repair Cafe Aotearoa NZ, Pro Electrical, Napier Toy Library, Haumoana Toy Library and run by Sustainable Napier. 


Get directions on Google Maps

1 Dalton Street, Napier South, Napier 4110, New Zealand

About the group

Group avatar

Napier Repair Cafe

Sustainable Napier has a kaupapa of community connection, inclusiveness, and building resilience. We run the Napier Repair Cafe on the last Saturday if every month between February and November at Asher Hall in Napier.

Group Stats




hours volunteered


parties thrown


waste prevented


CO2 emission prevented