Repair Cafe Pavia al Circolo via d’Acqua

Pavia, Italy

Hosted by Group avatarRepair Cafe Pavia

Party impact






waste prevented


CO2 emission prevented


devices fixed


devices repairable


devices dead

equivalent to...

Volunteers at a Restart Party fixing devices, cropped on hands


In collaborazione con Il Circolo ARCI Via D’Acqua e Repair Café Pavia sara’ il Repair Café ogni secondo martedì del mese dalle 19 alle 21.30 al Circolo via d’Aqua (Viale Bligny 83, Pavia).

Il prossimo Repair Café sara’ martedi 11 giugno 2024.

Per maggiori informazioni e prenotazioni si prega di inviare

1) una foto dell’oggetto da riparare

2) il nome di chi porterà l’oggetto da riparare

email: [email protected]

WA: 348 765 1987


Get directions on Google Maps

Viale Bligny, 83, 27100 Pavia PV, Italy

About the group

Group avatar

Repair Cafe Pavia

Repair Cafe Pavia is the 2nd Repair Cafe in Italy and the 1st Repair Cafe in the Provincia di Pavia. Set up in 2015 after talking to my friend Claire Downey in Dublin, who set up the 1st Repair Cafes in Ireland, and a trip to Rome to visit Aggiustotutto Repair Cafe Roma, the 1st Repair Cafe in Italy.

We are a group of volunteers who are passionate about developing the local reuse and repair culture and we strongly believe in the power of community groups to bring about positive social and environmental change on a local level.

Group Stats




hours volunteered


parties thrown


waste prevented


CO2 emission prevented