Richmond Sustainability Hub

Canterbury, Aotearoa New Zealand

Hosted by Group avatarŌtautahi Repair Revolution

Party impact






waste prevented


CO2 emission prevented


devices fixed


devices repairable


devices dead

equivalent to...

Volunteers at a Restart Party fixing devices, cropped on hands


Our last Repair Cafe of the year. Electrical, textile and general repairs.


Get directions on Google Maps

46A Vogel Street, Richmond, Christchurch 8013, New Zealand

About the group

Group avatar

Ōtautahi Repair Revolution

The quiet revolution taking over Ōtautahi (Christchurch).

The Repair Revolution is driving a movement away from throwaway culture and promoting product stewardship through the art and practice of repair.

On the Third Tuesday of every month, 5 pm-7:30 pm we hold an event at the Riverlution Ecohub which is conveniently nestled into the Richmond Community Gardens at the foot of the red zone.

We are also organising pop up repair events at different community hubs around the city

Group Stats




hours volunteered


parties thrown


waste prevented


CO2 emission prevented