The Habitat Hub

Nelson, Aotearoa New Zealand

Hosted by Group avatarNelson Repair Cafe

Party impact






waste prevented


CO2 emission prevented


devices fixed


devices repairable


devices dead

equivalent to...

Volunteers at a Restart Party fixing devices, cropped on hands


A monthly event helping you to repair your household items, save resources and build community – brought to you by the Nelson Tasman Climate Forum..

Come and visit us in the Buzz Room, behind Restore.

You will be able to bring items for smaller repairs – examples include:

– Electrical items (no large appliances)

– Clothing and textiles

– Small furniture

– Household items

– Bicycles

– Toys


Get directions on Google Maps

166 Tahunanui Drive, Tāhunanui, Nelson, New Zealand

About the group

Group avatar

Nelson Repair Cafe

The Nelson Tasman Climate Forum, founded in April 2020, is a large group of committed individuals in the top of South Island who are working together to tackle all aspects of climate change.  They are "doing" first rather than waiting for national or local legislation to make things happen.  The forum includes groups on food and water resilience, energy, waste and resources, transport etc.  The Forum's Repair Cafe has been operating since November 2020, and involves a wide range of individuals and now also local groups such as the MeNZshed,  plus help from the Nelson Council's Older Person's Strategy group volunteers etc. 

Group Stats




hours volunteered


parties thrown


waste prevented


CO2 emission prevented