What’s next for Right to Repair?

Right to Repair was a big part of our work in 2022, and we expect plenty more coming up to push for more accessible and affordable repair for everyone

BattCat Logo

Help us learn why batteries are too hard to replace

“BattCat” is our latest interactive, people-powered investigation into why devices fail. This time we’re asking for your help to learn why repairs involving batteries at community events are often too hard to complete.

A unique opportunity for the UK to support repairable products

This month and in January, the EU member states may throw out over two years’ work on creating better product standards for appliances and electronics. We need to pressure the UK to support our right to repair.

Compelling evidence that people want repairable products

Recent research at the UK and European level has shown that people want longer lasting and more repairable products. These findings can push climate policy changes towards a more sustainable, resource efficient economy.