Repair is essential! Here is how we celebrated International Repair Day

“Repair is Essential” – this is the theme we chose for this year’s International Repair Day. In London, an online team of volunteers mapped 45+ repair businesses in London to be considered for inclusion. Small groups met repair businesses in Crystal Palace, Shepherd’s Bush and Tooting.

10,000 devices recorded on our database

We are celebrating, as we’ve reached over 10,000 devices recorded through our database, affectionately known as the Fixometer. We are collecting this data together with our network, which consists of 60 groups in 12 countries.

Photo of Fixfest participants all assembled on 8 October, 2017

The first Fixfest and future Fixfest(s)

If everything goes well, we will continue to work together in key areas over coming years. And there was much interest in a Fixfest 2019 hosted by others group – watch this space.

Collective environmental milestones

Yesterday we hit some big milestones of waste and CO2 prevented, logged by Restart Party hosts across the world: five tons of electronics diverted from waste, and 100,000 kg CO2 prevented through repair.

Restart @school session 10: Future jobs plus a Restart Party

In our last session, we invited a guest speaker to talk about their tech job – and what they felt are some of the “ninja skills” of the future, given the trends of automation and climate change.