As we “restart” in 2016, we still have some memorable stories to share, including Fairphone repairs, some challenging but worthwhile laptop, TV and musical instrument repairs, and an amusing vintage device that will make you laugh.
Top Fixes
Top 5 fixes of 2014: Restart Party highlights
Our favourite fixes from a very memorable year… We can’t wait for more in 2015. Including a boombox, some vintage kit, self laptop-repair and screen replacements.
Top 5 fixes of 2013
So hard to choose our favourite fixes of the year, after seeing hundreds of devices and working with their owners! We picked these together with our volunteer Restarters because they each have something to tell us about how we can revive electronics repair, and be more resilient, together.
Our Top Fixes of 2012: #1 – Epson, We Have a Problem!
And the winner is… It might appear as cheating that we decided to pick the case of the infamous Epson Stylus D68, which we already wrote about back in December as our symbolic top fix so far. In short, it’s the story of a printer which stopped functioning all of a sudden, leaving the owner with […]
Our Top Fixes of 2012: #2 – Repair and Reuse Before Recycling
Laurence came to our first Restart Party in Brixton, the one we defined as our “Midas moment”, as everything we touched…miraculously got fixed. Laurence’s Matsui 225 dvd player was no exception to the rule: when she brought it to the event, it was a typical case of a sad piece of electronics on its way […]
Our Top Fixes of 2012: #3 – Beware of the “Genius”
Barti brought her MacBook Pro with a “dead screen” to a Restart Party. We troubleshooted her computer and figured that the problem was actually with the video card: the laptop would switch on normally, with the familiar Mac OS X start-up sound, while screen was completely black, not even marginally dim (which is what usually […]
Our Top Fixes of 2012: #4 – Clean Your Fan, Mate!
A whole lot of dust inside a 6-year-old Macbook! Janet’s laptop has been a source of inspiration for The Restart Project. Months before planning the first event, we were already “restarting” her old white MacBook, by adding additional RAM, updating some applications and clearing space from the hard drive, in order to speed it up. […]
Our Top Fixes of 2012: #5 Not All Manufacturers Are Equally Greedy
We held our first Restart Party back in June 2012, and in exactly 6 months we went on to run 12 events and countless presentations all over London. Our growing community of self-repair enthusiasts has fixed, or contributed to fix, all kinds of malfunctioning electronics: from laptops to electric shavers, from printers to bed-side lamps, […]